Have you ever worked wih the devil? I used to work with an American company who sold my time for £10,000 for an report I created in a couple of hours.
O2 are a similar company. Run by sumbags, and managed by scumbags. You don’t need to wait 30 days to cancel their rubbish service. This is a lie.
And OfCom may also want to look at their treatment of customers and their contracts?
O2 and Virgin Media are the same company but they sell you two different contracts.
One contract is for the broadband, and can be favourable. It was in the past except when things do not work, then after a number of calls, you get through to a call centre in India. You then talk bollocks to this call centre for an hour, and lastly, if you are lucky and ask for it, you get through to one of their managers who are mostly misfits and do not care about the customer at all. The last manager I spoke to, told me to fuck off.
I had moved just four days before going in to hospital to have a lung reduction. This was partly bexause of the buyers being assholes, but also created aproblem with the new broadband deal.
The new Broadband deal was just a cable entering the home, and then wifi from there onwards. The previous deal had included this wifi from a cable, TV boxes to record live TV, Netflix and a landline.
I also had a sim card for O2 as I had a perfectly good phone, a two year old iphone. This sim card for O2 was about £15 I think, but it never worked, it was crap. It worked if I was at home, and also in the O2 centre but apart from this it was crap.
I later disovered that this shit O2 card would cost me £15 a month for two years whether it worked or not. Fucking arseholes at O2.
Lets not start on the Equality Act, replacing the DDA, i.e. the Disabily Acts.
Kevan Wilding