It has been a very busy month or so, mainly for my wife, who is my main carer and looks after everything I do, you know the type.
I did delete the old accesslondon site along with many others, but it is slowly coming back to life, as I have a lot to say about the good people out there and also some of the scumbags in charge of insurance sites and broadband, particularly avanti (who stopped insuring me because they are complete scum) and also virgin media, both of which I will not be using every again. Plus o2 which are linked to Virgin, and just plain crap, and another way to get my cash.
I just need to decide if I have the energy to take them to the relevant sites who will gain me some recompense in regards to the disgusting way they treat their customers.
We are obviously talking about the financial ombudsman, and in regards to broadband to the relevant ofcom, although they are probably a waste of time, but I can also complain vociferously about the disgusting service and the contracts I have been forced into agreeing to when they can do what the hell they like, and keep you hanging onto the telephone talking to their support in India who you rarely understand what they are talking about and they have little idea of the current practises in the UK, because they are not in the UK.
A major mess.