Virgin media and accessible step free rail

I have been with Virgin media and associated businesses fornearly 40 years. There was a time when you would leave your phone line downloading something overnight. And then some greedy scum started running the company and moved the help team to Tibet, or India, or wherever. The service at Virgin media went even worse when … Read more

Avanti insurance and your cruise

I need to talk about Avanti insurance and your cruise. If you have a disability and change any criteria like the possibility of having an operation at any time, their underwriters remove the cover of the insurance without any further ado. We spent a thousand pounds on this insurance, but it then becomes completely worthless. … Read more

Accesscard and Access to London

I joined the RHS in the summer, i.e. the Royal Horticultural Society, They have five main sites, and I have already visited three of them. Then I decided I would also like to visit the Chelsea Flower show, and discovered the Accesscard and its possible benefits. Quite quickly, after signing up for the Accesscard I … Read more

The Access London site has been restored

It has been a very busy month or so, mainly for my wife, who is my main carer and looks after everything I do, you know the type. I did delete the old accesslondon site along with many others, but it is slowly coming back to life, as I have a lot to say about … Read more