Accessible stations and travel in TFL London

My name is Kevan Wilding, and I like visiting London as often as possible. I am a London resident and travel free on their service most of the time, and I have been building a site about which stations are most accessible, and therefore which stations I would want to use, and the easiest routes to use.

I should point out that I am not in a wheelchair, but I do struggle with stairs, walking generally, and sometimes just getting dressed. Therefore most routes I use in London tend to avoid stairs, are generally accessible, and I do have a number of photographs of the barriers you are likely to come across. I can walk, albeit quite slowly, and am at present building my strength using a simple and cheap rowing machine which is great for getting the lungs working, I row maybe a kilometre to warm up before going out for a walk.

I also use buses a lot, as you can see where you are visiting, and also they do not require walking down and up masses of stairs, they are all on the surface, and the London bus network is pretty good once you find where all the bus stops are not closed due to roadworks in London!

Anyway, I have already visited many stations in London previously, and this information is already on my Londonwiki site, and this is to build on this top highlight some of the better stations, routes and TFL lines which are generally more accessible to people like me. I also mention toilets when I can find them, as I struggle with this too.

I am very slowly now, building a site which lists all of the London stations, and which to use, and which to definitely avoid. I have severe copd, and I am rowing my way to a better life, along with these walks, although they seem to be a lot less regular sometimes. When it is warm, and wearing a mask to avoid covid, take regular exercise. I get seriously out of breath just changing my underpants in the morning, but on a good day, I can also walk five miles. Don’t give up, trust me on this.

Enjoy, Kevan.